Richwood Morgans in the beginning…
Marjorie Hazelwood & Richard Hazelwood began Richwood Morgans in 1961. When they went and saw Ramona Brave at the Eagle Ranch. They bought the old mare Daisy Sonfield who had been part of the Roland Hill herd from Eagle Ranch.
They also found Farceur Morgan at W.T. Carters and leased him, and later bought him from Mr. Carters estate along with leasing a band of mares from him. To start their venture into raising traditional family morgans for years to come.
Richwood Morgan (1963) the first stallion bred by Richard B. Mear in name and raised by Richwood Morgans, was a cross between Ramona Brave and Daisy Sonfield

With Farceurs Falcon Morgan our last remaining senior stallion retiring from breeding , our junior stallions will be taking over. Look for them over the next year.
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